The Behaviour of Things: A New Branch of Visual Language

In the coming arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence era, social crowd is no longer just a collec­tion of humans and humans, but exten­ded to humans and things, and in the future may also cover things and things. In this case, visual com­mu­ni­ca­tion should’t be con­fi­ned to the areas of fonts, pic­tu­res, lay­outs, etc., where only humans have initia­tive. Any­thing that brings humans visual sti­muli should be inclu­ded in the visual com­mu­ni­ca­tion cate­gory. Thing’s beha­viour crea­tes visual lan­gua­ges that we as humans should learn and under­stand. In my Master Pro­ject I am going to rese­arch about how to find and read the visual lan­gua­ges of things.

After we eat food, we can judge whe­ther it is sweet, sour or salty. This is because we know in advance what tastes are sweet, sour, salty, and we have these taste expe­ri­en­ces in our taste system. In a simi­lar way, when we see some kinds of thing’s beha­viour, we can under­stand what it means, and know how to respond in the next step. This is because we have had simi­lar expe­ri­en­ces in advance, and this visual expe­ri­ence exists in our visual memory. So visual expe­ri­ence is a key factor which deter­mi­nes whe­ther we can recognise thing’s beha­viour.

As the part of crea­tion, the con­nec­tion bet­ween thing’s beha­viour and visual expe­ri­ence beco­mes the basis of my rese­arch. To make this cor­re­spon­dence clea­rer, I sim­pli­fied thing’s beha­viour into a single visual ele­ment and let thing’s beha­viour esta­blish a single visual rela­tion with the viewer, explore the visual expe­ri­ence about the beha­viour which has exis­ted in people’s lives, and deve­lop the poten­tial visual awa­ren­ess of thing’s beha­viour. The crea­tive pro­cess is roughly divi­ded into four phases. They are the rese­arch and ana­ly­sis of thing’s beha­viour, func­tion and visual expe­ri­ence; the crea­tion of 12 groups of ani­ma­ti­ons based on thing’s beha­viour; inter­ac­tive works with light as an example; invit­ing view­ers to par­ti­ci­pate, expres­sing and crea­ting with light as a visual lan­guage.

Yuanfeng Zhao, Master Thesis, 2018